Community fund update

In line with other community energy groups, Pomona has a small fund to support local community initiatives, ideally ones in line with our objectives of reducing carbon emissions and increasing social cohesion. During the summer and autumn of 2020 the Directors approved two applications – one to pay for an energy audit for Llanwarne Village Hall – enabling it to help unlock further funding for an energy retrofit – and one to support paid admin for Herefordshire Green Network, which does valuable work connecting and supporting low carbon/environmental actions across the county. Like many organisations, it has found that regular funding sources have been diverted to Covid emergency, and funding to simply keep going has been hard to come by. (N.b. two Pomona Solar directors are on the Steering Group of HGN so made declarations of interest when the latter application was made.)

The Directors welcome applications from other suitable projects in Herefordshire.

2020 AGM goes online

All members should have heard from Sharenergy that we’re running our 2020 AGM on Zoom. Do join in – no need to travel. (Sorry, we’ll all have to supply our own drinks and snacks this year – but we hope to see you all for our famous buffet next time!) But if you can’t take part, PLEASE DO SEND IN YOUR VOTES as we do want to know we have your support – thanks.

2017 AGM

This year’s AGM takes place on Tuesday 18 July. Join us for a site visit at 5,30pm, buffet+drinks at 6.30pm – with a talk on Herefordshire’s clean energy strategy and the AGM itself at 7.15pm.

More information HERE

2017 AGM

This year’s AGM will take place in the early evening of TUESDAY 18 JULY 2017, at the same venue as last year, the Lady Emily Hall, Tarrington – further information to follow in due course but please make a note in your diaries. We would love to see as many Pomona members and other interested local people as possible.

AGM 2016 – all welcome

AGM 2016 – all welcome

pmPomona Solar Co-op has 300 kilowatts of solar PV panels up and running in Herefordshire! Find out more on 5 July 2016.
The Directors would like to invite both members and non-members to come along on the evening of our 2016 AGM to take a look at the site (5.30pm), join us in Tarrington for drinks and a light buffet (6.30pm), and attend the AGM (7.15pm). You are welcome to take part in the whole evening, or just to pop along for a look or a drink and chat. Local residents are especially welcome.
While it’s not essential to register for the AGM, if you wish to join us for the site visit or drinks/buffet it would help us enormously if you could please register in advance here – where you’ll also find a map and all the other details of the event.

Stoke Edith installation complete

We are pleased to announce that the installation of solar panels, including the additional 50kW added as a extension, are now all installed, commissioned and generating electricity. We would like to thank all our members who have bought shares that has enabled this project to happen. On the website you can see some aerial photographs of the panels in place.

Phase 2 target reached

We have just reached our £70,000 target for the phase 2 share offer, thanks to everyone who has applied for shares.

If you didn’t apply in time, there are several other community energy schemes that are trying to reach their targets before the 30th Nov when tax relief is withdrawn – have a look on for  list of open share offers.